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New energy and new materials

Nano Zinc Oxide (LE-30 Series)

MetInfo enterprise content manager system | MetInfo CMS

Product application

  • Rubber Activators and Vulcanization Accelerators

    Nano zinc oxide has good dispersion, loose and porous, good fluidity, easy to disperse during melting, small heat generation of rubber material, as a vulcanizing active agent added to the target product of the rubber material is more active, improve the microstructure of vulcanized rubber, improve the finish, mechanical strength, tear strength of rubber products, thermal oxidation resistance, and has the advantages of anti-aging, anti-friction fire, prolonging service life, etc., the dosage is ordinary zinc oxide 30-50%, can make the rubber tire side rubber flexural performance from 100,000 times to 500,000 times, It can effectively reduce the production cost of enterprises.

  • Ceramic crystallizer

    Nano zinc oxide has nano effect, small particle size, large specific surface area, higher chemical activity than ordinary zinc oxide, can significantly reduce the degree of sintering densification of materials, save energy, densify and homogenize the composition structure of ceramic materials, and improve the performance of ceramic materials. Due to its volume effect and high dispersion capacity, it can be used directly without processing and grinding, and the amount of ordinary zinc oxide can be reduced by 30%-50%, and the sintering temperature of ceramic products is 40-60 °C lower than that of ordinary zinc oxide, and ceramic products can also have antibacterial and self-cleaning functions.

  • Antioxidants for lubricating oils or greases

    Nano zinc oxide is highly chemically active and can trap free radicals, thereby disrupting free radical chain reactions. At the same time, nano-zinc oxide is an amphoteric oxide, which can neutralize the acids accumulated on the hydrocarbon chain of lubricating oil over time, and can extend the service life of lubricating oil.

  • UV absorber

    Nano zinc oxide can absorb ultraviolet rays, produce electron transitions, thereby absorbing and blocking medium-wave ultraviolet (UVB) and long-wave ultraviolet (UVA). Due to the small particle size of nano-zinc oxide, the ultraviolet absorption rate per unit of added amount is greatly improved. Nano zinc oxide is an inorganic metal oxide, which can maintain long-term stability and non-degradation, so as to ensure its ultraviolet shielding effect is stable and effective for a long time. The product is suitable for environments with strong ultraviolet radiation, and can be applied to wood furniture protective coatings, resins, plastics and rubbers, as well as sunscreen cosmetics and other products.

  • Antifungal and bacteriostatic agent

    Nano zinc oxide is a self-activating semiconductor material that, under the irradiation of ultraviolet and visible light, will decompose free-moving electrons on its own, while leaving electron-holes with positive charge. Holes can react with oxygen and water on the surface of zinc oxide to generate hydroxyl radicals, reactive oxygen species, etc., thus causing a series of biological reactions. It can effectively oxidize and degrade biomass, thereby playing a role in anti-mildew and antibacterial. Due to the nano-effect of nano-zinc oxide, the specific surface area is significantly increased, the photocatalytic oxidation activity is higher, and it has more efficient antibacterial, antibacterial and antifungal properties, and the bacteriostatic rate can reach more than 99%, and the anti-mildew grade is 0. It can be applied to antibacterial and antifungal in coatings, sealants, plastics, rubber, textile products.





氧化锌Zinc Oxide(ZnO) w/%


电镜平均粒径(SEM Average Particle Size))/nm


灼烧减量(loss on ignition) w/%


干燥减量(Water content)  w/%










松散堆积密度 (g/cm3)


比表面积(specific surface area)(m2/g)


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